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Apex New Thin Font Download Free

Apex New Thin Font Download Free
Views 1 / Downloads 82

Download more fonts similar to Apex New-Thin Typeface in Category: basic, more fonts

About This Font: Apex is a trademark of Village Type & Design LLC
Village Type & Design LLC (Thirstype)
chester (orignally designed with Rick Valicenti)
Thirstype End User License Agreement / version 2.4, November 2005

This is an agreement between you, the purchaser, and Thirstype. In accepting the terms of this agreement, you acknowledge understanding and promise to comply with its terms. If you do not accept the terms, please do not complete the purchase transaction.

What you are purchasing from Thirstype is the license to use digital typeface software - hereafter "fonts" - on a certain number of computers within your organization; you are not purchasing the copyright to the design of the fonts, but the rights to use the fonts.

If you are purchasing 1 license, you may use the fonts on a maximum of 4 computers within your organization; If you are purchasing 2 licenses, you may use the fonts on a maximum of 10 computers within your organization; If you are purchasing 3 licenses, you may use the fonts on a maximum of 25 computers within your organization; If you are purchasing 4 licenses, you may use the fonts on a maximum of 50 computers within your organization; If you are purchasing 5 licenses, you may use the fonts on a maximum of 100 computers within your organization; If you are purchasing 10 licenses, you may use the fonts on a maximum of 500 computers within your organization; If you are purchasing 20 licenses, you may use the fonts on an unlimited number of computers within your organization. You can purchase additional licenses at any time, which grant you the rights to use the fonts on additional computers, as noted above.

You can make archival copies of the fonts for your own purposes. You will not distribute the fonts to people outside of your organization. A copy of the fonts may be sent as part of a file release to a prepress bureau, if absolutely necessary. The fonts can be embedded in other software files, such as Portable Document Format (PDF) or Flash files, but you will take all reasonable care to embed the fonts in such a way that they cannot be extracted from the files you create.

You may modify the fonts for your own purposes, but the copyright remains with Thirstype, and the number of computers covered by the license remains the same. You may not commission a third party to modify the fonts without first gaining permission from the designer through Thirstype. You may not sell or give away modified versions of the fonts.

We have done everything we can to produce our fonts to the highest and most up-to-date technical standards, and we test the fonts extensively in the latest versions of technically-compliant applications. If you do experience any difficulties with our fonts, we will do everything that we can to work with you to resolve any issues. If, after we have worked to resolve any technical issues, you are still not satisfied with our product, we will be pleased to refund your money, which shall be the limit of our liability in this transaction.

We grant the rights of use of our fonts to you in good faith, and request that you promise to adhere to the terms of this agreement to the best of your ability, and in good faith.

Thirstype is a copyright of Village Type & Design LLC.
Apex New

Apex New-Thin install Instructions for Maс OS:

To install this font for free, please follow the next advice: Before installing the Apex New-Thin font in OS X, you must first completely close all applications. Many programs display new fonts only after restarting.
1. Double-click on the font file - a window will open with a font overview.
2. To install the font, click the Install button.
3. If the font file is in order and the system has not yet installed the same one, the Fonts program will open, in which the new font will be displayed.
4. If the font file contains errors or such a font is already installed in the system, the Font Check window will open. Click on the triangle in front of the font name to see the errors. If you still want to install the font - put a tick in front of this font and click on the Set selected button. The Fonts program opens, displaying the new font.

Apex New-Thin install Instructions for Windows:

To install Apex New-Thin for Windows, please follow the next advice: 1. Unzip the file with the font, if it is archived - right-click it and select "Install" from the context menu. The font will be installed (copied to the "Windows\Fonts" folder and registered in the Windows Registry).
2. Click on the font file with the right mouse button, select "View" from the context menu, in the next window click Install.
3 click Start > Control Panel > Fonts. In the window that opens, select the File / Add Font menu - in the Add Fonts window, specify the location of the font, click Install.
4 Open the WINDOWS > Fonts folder. In the Add Fonts window, specify the location of the font, click Install.

Windows Notes: Before downloading, make sure that its source can be trusted. If the File menu is not displayed, press the Alt key. Font files have extensions .fon (Apex New-Thin.fon), .ttf (Apex New-Thin.ttf), .ttc (Apex New-Thin.ttc).

When you install a TrueType font, whose name matches the PostScript font installed on this computer, Windows will not be able to distinguish between them, which can lead to a change in the font type. To avoid this, do not install different types of fonts with the same name.

Typeface Details:

Font Style: Thin

Font Category: basic, more fonts

Apex New-Thin Font Author: chester (orignally designed with Rick Valicenti)

Version: Version 1.001 2006, Revised version replacing Apex Sans

You may Download Apex New-Thin typeface for Free but for personal use only. Please delete font after the review. You must link to after download Apex New-Thin font. Please note: all of the fonts available at this website uploaded by our users, we cannot perform a comprehensive check for every upload. If you've found a violation please report us so we can take immediate action.