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Cocomat Italic Schrift Herunterladen Kostenlos

Cocomat Italic Schrift Herunterladen Kostenlos
Ansichten 1 / Downloads 192

Download more fonts similar to Cocomat Italic Typeface in Category: basic, cyrillic

About This Font: Cocomat Italic is a trademark of Studio Kmzero.
Studio Kmzero
Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini
Copyright (c) 2013 by Studio Kmzero. All rights reserved.

By downloading and using this software you accept the terms of the following agreement ("EULA"):

This licence is reserved to individuals and doesn't apply to corporate/studio entities. It allows one single person on unlimited cpus to use the font(s) for personal - not commercial uses. This license doesn't apply to broadcast and software embedding uses, and doesn't allow re-distribution in any form. For commercial uses, you have to purchase a commercial license from (more informations at

Our End-User License Agreement ("EULA") grants you the following rights:

01] You may install and use an unlimited number of copies of the fonts.

02] You can make archival copies of the fonts for your own purposes.

03] A copy of the fonts may be sent as part of a file release to a prepress bureau.

04] Fonts can be embedded in other software files, such as Portable Document Format (PDF) or Flash files, but you will take all reasonable care to embed the fonts in such a way that they cannot be extracted from the files you create.

05] You may modify the fonts for your own purposes, but the copyright remains with Zetafonts, and you are not allowed to distribuite renamed, edited or derivative works, either for profit or not.

06] No reselling of the font as a font software is allowed: copies of the font installation files may not be distributed or shared in any way (for profit or free of charge) either on a standalone basis or included as part of your own product. (for use of the font on websites as webfonts or in applications as screen fonts, a software license is required)

Zetafonts expressly disclaims any warranty for the fonts. The fonts and any related documentation is provided "as it is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the fonts remains with you. In no event shall Zetafonts or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if Zetafonts has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.

This free for personal / non commercial use license is provided with free downloads of fonts.

It allows unlimited use of the font(s) on all personal CPUs for non-commercial uses (i.e. no-profit projects, student work, pro-bono assignements).

If you're an individual and plan to use our fonts for commercial projects, you should buy a personal commercial license.

A company, studio or corporation that wants to make the fonts avalaible to many users should either buy a volume license (which is calculated as a discount on many single licenses) or a worldwide license.If you're using it for personal and non commercial use (school project, academic use, pro-bono work) you can download the font and use it freely.

Please refer to for information

Feel free to contact us for further enquiries at

Cocomat Italic install Instructions for Maс OS:

To install this font for free, please follow the next advice: Before installing the Cocomat Italic font in OS X, you must first completely close all applications. Many programs display new fonts only after restarting.
1. Double-click on the font file - a window will open with a font overview.
2. To install the font, click the Install button.
3. If the font file is in order and the system has not yet installed the same one, the Fonts program will open, in which the new font will be displayed.
4. If the font file contains errors or such a font is already installed in the system, the Font Check window will open. Click on the triangle in front of the font name to see the errors. If you still want to install the font - put a tick in front of this font and click on the Set selected button. The Fonts program opens, displaying the new font.

Cocomat Italic install Instructions for Windows:

To install Cocomat Italic for Windows, please follow the next advice: 1. Unzip the file with the font, if it is archived - right-click it and select "Install" from the context menu. The font will be installed (copied to the "Windows\Fonts" folder and registered in the Windows Registry).
2. Click on the font file with the right mouse button, select "View" from the context menu, in the next window click Install.
3 click Start > Control Panel > Fonts. In the window that opens, select the File / Add Font menu - in the Add Fonts window, specify the location of the font, click Install.
4 Open the WINDOWS > Fonts folder. In the Add Fonts window, specify the location of the font, click Install.

Windows Notes: Before downloading, make sure that its source can be trusted. If the File menu is not displayed, press the Alt key. Font files have extensions .fon (Cocomat Italic.fon), .ttf (Cocomat Italic.ttf), .ttc (Cocomat Italic.ttc).

When you install a TrueType font, whose name matches the PostScript font installed on this computer, Windows will not be able to distinguish between them, which can lead to a change in the font type. To avoid this, do not install different types of fonts with the same name.

Typeface Details:

Font Style: Italic

Font Category: basic, cyrillic

Cocomat Italic Font Author: Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini

Version: Version 2.001

You may Download Cocomat Italic typeface for Free but for personal use only. Please delete font after the review. You must link to after download Cocomat Italic font. Please note: all of the fonts available at this website uploaded by our users, we cannot perform a comprehensive check for every upload. If you've found a violation please report us so we can take immediate action.